All new planning applications for Broad Town will be listed on our website, in the hope of improving up to date knowledge of applications and transparency in the Parish Council’s position on applications, decisions and enforcement.

New applications received can be seen here.

Determined applications can be seen here

It would help inform the decision process if applicants could aim to attend PC meetings to support their application, provide detail and answer queries.

In the interests of maximising the effectiveness and fairness of the planning process, please ensure all information on applications is true and accurate and prepare to be challenged where inconsistencies are found.

Please ensure that subsequent building work complies exactly with permission granted. All contraventions will be reported to Enforcement and could significantly delay or halt your project. Retrospective applications and enforcement action come at a significant cost and ultimately drive up the cost of the Council Tax for everyone.

Wiltshire Council Planning Policy

Wiltshire Council Planning Applications (use Advanced Search and specify Parish = ‘Broad Town CP’)