Broad Town Parish Council

Broad Town has a Parish Council of seven members and a Parish Clerk. The Council meets in Broad Town Village Hall on the second Monday of every month at 6.30 pm.

Agendas for the meetings are posted on the parish notice boards and on this website at least three days before the meetings.

The Parish Council meetings are open to the public, generally informal, and include an ‘open forum’ when members of the public can bring matters of interest to the attention of the council.

The responsibilities of the council are varied and include:

  • The parish council is consulted on all planning applications within the parish. We can recommend refusal, approval or modification and conditions to Wiltshire Council who make the ultimate decision.
  • Looking after and improving areas of the parish, e.g. grass cutting and play area maintenance at Redhills.
  • Liaising with the county council on highway safety and repair.
  • Liaising with the county council on the state of footpaths and other rights of way.
  • Making grants to village organisations or other initiatives from the Good Energy Community Fund.
  • Maintaining this website for the benefit of parishioners and other village organisations.

More information on all these activities is provided on this website

The Council raises funds by the annual Precept set in January of each year. The amount required is guided by the setting of the annual budget in the December preceding.

The Parish Council precept is added to the Council Tax bill and collected by Wiltshire Council (on behalf of the Parish Council).

The Council also raises funds through grants from other organisations.

Our values and behaviours

To serve the Parish of Broad Town in an open, honest and transparent way that is beyond reproach.

To treat individuals and their views with decency and respect.

To actively represent the interests of Broad Town with relevant local authorities

Notice Boards and Information Distribution

The website and Parish Council notice boards in the Village (situated at Redhills and the Village Hall) will be the main conveyors of Parish Council information for meeting agendas and minutes. A monthly update will continue to be published in the Broad Town News.

  • Distribution of short notice / important / emergency information.
    This information will be distributed via the Parish Council web site, notice boards, and the email circulation list. In exceptional circumstances a leaflet drop may be made.

About Parish Councils

Parish or Town Councils are an important tier of Government within the UK; a Parish/Town Council is the smallest and most localised tier of local government in the UK and is a properly constituted local authority.

The powers and duties, and the manner in which a Parish Council operates are laid out in local government statute and regulations; Parish Councils operate at a level below national government and also below district and borough councils. Parish & Town Councils are elected and can help on a number of local issues, like planning applications or running local sports grounds.

Government Definition

The Parish Council has legal responsibilities as an employer, and sometimes as an owner of public land and buildings.

Parish Councils are Statutory Bodies, having powers under a number of different Acts (the Local Government Act 1972, the Public Health Act 1936, etc.). Only a few Councils need to use all their available powers. It is up to each Council to choose what is appropriate for the community they serve.

Parish Council Remit